Social Security client and experience panels research: effects of the coronavirus pandemic on communication preferences – visual summary

A summary of findings from a research project with client and experience panel members about communication preferences.

Contacting Social Security Scotland during the pandemic

Around four in ten (40 per cent) of survey respondents said they had contact with Social Security Scotland during the pandemic. Some respondents may have reported contact with DWP when answering this question.

Most (83 per cent) said they were happy with their interaction.

“I have always been able to contact Social Security Scotland through web chat or telephone and speak to an adviser very quickly. This has been before and during the COVID-19 outbreak. Customer service always great.” (survey respondent)

Around one in five (18 percent) said there was something they were unhappy about.

Interview participants who were unhappy about something said they had difficulty in finding information or help.

One participant had to make a lots of calls to fix a problem. One participant felt unsure about the amount they had received. Another participant said they didn’t receive the information they needed from Social Security Scotland.

“Lack of communication. I first applied for the Young Carer Grant in November 2020 and I received confirmation but the next communication I got was January 2021 and it was to advise me I could apply for the thing I already had applied for. At this moment I am still waiting for them to tell me when or if I need to send in any more documents.” (survey respondent and interview participant with experience of Young Carer Grant)



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