Social Security client and experience panels research: effects of the coronavirus pandemic on communication preferences – visual summary

A summary of findings from a research project with client and experience panel members about communication preferences.

Submitting evidence about a claim

Just less than a third (28 per cent) of respondents who had been in touch with Social Security Scotland during the pandemic said they had submitted evidence.

Most (74 per cent) said they had no trouble with the process for submitting evidence.

Responses about submitting evidence covered experiences with both Social Security Scotland and DWP.

Many said that sending paper evidence can be difficult. Not having access to a printer or a scanner to make photocopies can make the process hard. Delays with mail can also cause problems.

Many said uploading evidence online was quicker and easier than providing paper evidence.

Interview participants who had used the Social Security Scotland online evidence portal said the upload process was straightforward. One noted that the service should continue beyond the pandemic.

“[Evidence upload] would still be a good option after the pandemic as well, it was easier and can’t get lost in the mail.” (interview participant)



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