
Social Security - Adult Disability Payment consultation: Scottish Government response - easy read

An easy read version of the Scottish Government's response to the Adult Disability Payment consultation.

Client Consultations

Most agreed that clients should be invited to a consultation if it is the only way of making a decision on entitlement.

Scottish Government Reply

We have listened to feedback on how to make assessments better for clients. Client consultations will only happen if they are needed to make a decision about the individual's entitlement to ADP.

A consultation will only cover the areas that the case manager needs more information on. Clients will not be asked unnecessary or repeated questions or be rushed to give their answers.

Pracitioners will take the time necessary to fully understand the impacts of a disability and/or health condition on the client.

If a practitioner thinks something about the client during an Adult Disability Payment Consultation they must tell the client. The client, or person accompanying them, must have the chance to say what they think about it.



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