
Social Security - Adult Disability Payment consultation: Scottish Government response - easy read

An easy read version of the Scottish Government's response to the Adult Disability Payment consultation.

Awards and changes of circumstances

Most agreed there should be no set award period for ADP and that a review date should be set when a decision on an application is made. Many organisations and individuals said there should be life-long awards and there should be no reviews if the individual's condition has not changed.

Some said that 4 weeks is too little time to report slow worsening health condition. This could negatively affect individuals' eligibility.

Scottish Government Reply

All awards will be made with no set date for an award ending. In cases where a client's condition is not likely to improve, there will be at least five years between reviews. We are still looking at life-long awards for clients whose needs are very unlikely to change.

A person will be allowed to take between 4 weeks and 13 months to report a change of circumstances if they have a good reason. A slow worsening of a health condition could be taken as a good reason.



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