
Social Security - Adult Disability Payment consultation: Scottish Government response - easy read

An easy read version of the Scottish Government's response to the Adult Disability Payment consultation.

Re-determinations and appeals

Most agreed that clients should have a maximum 42 days to ask for a re-determination. But some said there was a need for flexibility, particularly since support services may be difficult to access.

We said that re-determinations should be completed within 56 days of being asked for. A small number felt that 56 days is too long for people to wait for an answer. A couple of people said a 28 day period would be better.

All respondents agreed that there was a need to give clear timeframes for the period of re-determination requests. This should be communicated in an accessible and inclusive way.

Scottish Government Reply

We will make sure the service stays flexible. Social Security Scotland will take requests for re-determinations after the period of 42 days if the individual has a good reason for not asking sooner. Decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis.

If a late request for re-determination is not accepted by Social Security Scotland, people will be able to appeal. We will work with stakeholders, including disabled people and people with experience of the social security system, to make communications inclusive and accessible.



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