Social Security Experience Panels - Adult Disability Payment: mobility component eligibility criteria

The report details findings for research exploring panel members’ opinions on the eligibility criteria for the mobility component of Adult Disability Payment: Moving Around, Planning and Following Journeys, and Fluctuating Conditions

What's next?

The Scottish Government is committed to an independent review of ADP. As part of this review, it is important to gather the views and experiences of people who will be or already are receiving ADP. The findings from this work will be available for the independent review to consider.

Between January and April 2023, the Scottish Government consulted on the eligibility criteria for the mobility component of ADP. As in this research, the consultation did not set out or advocate a preferred Scottish Government position or policy but sought to provide an opportunity for the people of Scotland and stakeholders to provide views on the evidence presented on the mobility component.

The review will be independent of Government and will secure the input of disabled people and stakeholders. The Scottish Government wants to get any decisions right for the people of Scotland. That includes reflecting carefully on the evidence. A range of evidence will be considered by the independent review, to ensure consistency and coherence in any recommendations for future improvements to the payment.

How quickly recommendations could be implemented would depend on what those recommendations were and whether further legislation is required to support them. Given the need to prioritise safe and secure transfer, it is our intention that changes to the eligibility criteria should not be made before the case transfer process is complete. However, whilst the eligibility criteria have not been significantly changed, the Scottish Government has made several improvements to provide disabled people with a more positive experience compared to PIP.

The Scottish Government will provide further details on the independent review soon.



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