
Social Security Experience Panels: change of circumstances and debt repayment - report

This report summarises the results from 10 focus groups and an online survey with Experience Panel members. The research explored how contact about changes of circumstances should work for clients of Social Security Scotland, along with how debt should be repaid.


In August and September 2019, the Scottish Government carried out focus groups and a survey with Experience Panel members on changes of circumstances and repayment of debt. The research explored how contact about changes of circumstances should work for clients of Social Security Scotland.[1] Building on previous research, we also asked questions about over and underpayments, and how debt should be repaid.

This work was part of the Scottish Government's Social Security Experience Panels programme of research. In total, 37 Experience Panel members took part in 10 focus groups. In addition, 393 panel members took part in a survey (a response rate of 18 per cent). This report details the findings and key themes that emerged from this work.



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