Social Security experience panels: decision making and reviewing an award - main report

Outlines the Social Security experience panel's views expressed in a survey and focus groups on decision making for disability benefit applications.

What's next?

The Scottish Government will continue to work with the Experience Panels in the development of Scotland's new social security system.

You told us that choosing the best communication method for you at the outset of the process of applying for Disability Assistance is important.

We are addressing this in the following ways:

  • Social Security Scotland recognise that clients will require options and choices for how they interact with the agency and it will offer a multi-channel approach to doing this. Clients will be able to state their preference for communication methods when applying.

You told us that the reason for a decision about an award needs to be transparent and easy to understand.

  • Our intention is that clients will receive a decision letter telling them in plain English whether they are eligible for an award and what level that award will be. Additionally, they will receive a decision report that will detail the supporting information that was received and used by the Case Manager to make a decision.

You told us that a copy of a consultation (assessment) report would be useful to receive with the decision letter.

  • If an individual has had a consultation (assessment) with a Practitioner in order to gather further information the report will be included in the decision notification as standard.

You told us that clear information about the details of the award, including the amount and timescales for payment and review and an individual's right to appeal and the appeal process should be included in the decision letter.

  • We will set out the amount of the award, payment details and timescales for payment and review in a way that is straightforward, easy to understand and in plain English. Similarly, information about how to appeal and the process to appeal will be included with the decision letter.



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