Social Security Experience Panels: designing the benefits case transfer process

Panels' views expressed in interviews and a survey on benefits case transfer process from UK Government Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to Social Security Scotland.


Notifying clients of the case transfer process

Most respondents were happy or didn't mind either way to be contacted about their case transfer when the benefit in question went live or their case was three months away from being transferred. The majority of respondents were happy to be contacted about their case both a month before transfer and after it had transferred.

Contact throughout the process

Most panel members thought that it should be Social Security Scotland who contact clients to tell them about their transfer. Panel members were fairly split on whether they thought they would want to contact anyone after they had received letters about their transfer. When asked where they would go for more information about their case transfer, the most popular option with respondents was to contact Social Security Scotland direct.

Cases to be prioritised for transfer

The vast majority of panel members were in favour of cases to be transferred as the corresponding benefits go live. Similarly, panel members were strongly in favour of the idea that those who have an upcoming reassesment should be prioritised for transfer. Views were mixed on other ideas for who should transfer first.

Case information to transfer

In interviews, we discussed what information Social Security Scotland should take over as part of a case transfer. Nearly all those asked were happy with Social Security Scotland taking over application information. Again, the majority of participants were happy for information submitted for evidence to be taken over. Views were mixed on taking over assesment information and case management information.



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