Social Security Experience Panels: disability benefit names - visual summary

Social Security Experience Panels members' views on renaming disability benefits when they are transferred from UK Department for Work and Pensions to Social Security Scotland.

Words Social Security Scotland should use

We asked respondents if there are any words Social Security Scotland should definitely use when naming a benefit.

Respondents said benefit names and words should be short, simple and concise. They should be descriptive and reflect their purpose.

  • “Simple, matches reality of the payment.”
  • “Make it absolutely clear what it is and who it is for. No complicated language.”

Respondents said that Social Security Scotland should also use positive, neutral, inclusive and empowering language. Some highlighted words such as ‘assistance’, ‘payment’ and ‘support.’

  • “Stick to the positive and encouraging. Always give the impression that the agency is on the claimant’s side.”
  • “Definitely use positive words that give people a feeling of receiving something that they have every right to have. Words like 'payments', 'finances' and 'amounts'”

Respondents said words such as these highlight that people are entitled to the assistance, and it is supposed to give them ‘autonomy’ and ‘independence.’



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