Social Security Experience Panels: disability benefit names - visual summary

Social Security Experience Panels members' views on renaming disability benefits when they are transferred from UK Department for Work and Pensions to Social Security Scotland.

Personal Independence Payment

The most common thing respondents said they liked about the name PIP was the term ‘personal independence.’ Respondents said that the word ‘independence’ focuses on ability rather than disability.

Respondents liked that the word ‘personal’ suggests control and decision making in how the payment is used.

Some respondents also liked that the name PIP is short and has a good acronym. They described it as easy to use, say and easily remembered.

Some respondents said that the name PIP is self-explanatory.

  • “The words personal and independence imply that an individual can use the payment to meet their own requirements.”
  • “It's quite a hopeful name – implies personal freedom.”
  • “I like the implied notion of independence for disabled people regardless of their ability or disability. It conveys a very positive message.”
  • “It is short and easily recognisable.”
  • “It’s solution focussed - on the goal rather than on the person’s shortcomings or illnesses.”

The most common thing respondents said they disliked about the name PIP was the past, negative associations of the benefit itself.

Some respondents highlighted the public reputation of PIP and said the name carries ‘negativity’, ‘stigma’ and a ‘bad reputation.’

Respondents also said the name brought up negative memories of claiming the benefit.

Some respondents said that the term ‘personal independence’ is problematic because it may not be achievable for some people.

A small number of respondents said the purpose and eligibility of PIP is unclear.

  • “Not all people with disabilities can be independent. I don't like the word independence used in this context.”
  • “It could mean any number of things.”
  • “The majority of people have had a nightmare claiming it so just hearing the name fills us with dread.”
  • “It’s too triggering of the old system.”
  • “If you didn’t have knowledge of this benefit you’d likely not know what it does.”



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