Social Security Experience Panels: disability benefit names - visual summary

Social Security Experience Panels members' views on renaming disability benefits when they are transferred from UK Department for Work and Pensions to Social Security Scotland.

Disability Assistance for Working Age People

Similar to Disability Assistance for Children and Young People, the most common thing respondents said they liked was the word ‘assistance.’ Respondents said the name ‘sounds more dignified’ and is ‘much nicer.’

Many respondents said it is clear and easy to grasp.

A few respondents said that they liked the term ‘working age’ because it states that the benefit can be claimed whilst working.

  • “It's an improvement. I like the idea of consistency with the similar benefit for Young People.”
  • “Working age people, let's you know you’re capable of working and fulfilling your life.”
  • “It acknowledges that it is for people of a working age - and that you can be in employment but in needed of financial assistance due to your disability.”
  • “The word assistance is something that I think is more of a positive term.”
  • “More comprehensive. Explains exactly what it is and who it is for.”

A few respondents liked that the name is consistent with Disability Assistance for Children and Young People. Many respondents said that the name is ‘fine’, ‘good’, ‘ok’ or ’better’ but did not explain why they thought this.

The most common thing respondents disliked about the name Disability Assistance for Working Age People was the term ‘working age.’

Firstly, respondents said the word is vague and it is not clear what age range it covers.

Secondly, respondents said that ‘working age’ is misleading because it suggests the benefit is linked to a person’s ability to work. Thirdly, respondents said ‘working age’ is not good because it suggests that that recipients should be working, when many disabled people are unable to.

The other things that respondents disliked about the name were the same as for Disability Assistance for Children and Young People. Most respondents said the name is too long and that they disliked the word ‘disability.’

  • “The benefits title sets a tone for people who are disabled that "working" is preferable to not working when for many people with disabilities, they have no choice about working or not working.”
  • “I don’t like it, as it implies that only “working” age people will be eligible.”
  • “Working age is vague - with changing pension ages it will be hard for people to know when they do or don't qualify. It might put people off applying.”
  • “Too cumbersome and does not produce a snappy acronym.”
  • “Some disabled people of working age may never be able to find suitable employment or are unable to be employed. Reminding them of this in the benefit they receive could have a negative effect.”



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