Social Security Experience Panels: disability benefit names - visual summary

Social Security Experience Panels members' views on renaming disability benefits when they are transferred from UK Department for Work and Pensions to Social Security Scotland.


We asked respondents which name they prefer, ‘Disability Assistance for Working Age People’ or ‘something else’.

Less than three in ten respondents were in favour of the name Disability Assistance for Working Age People (27%).

Around seven in ten respondents would prefer something else (73%).

Of those who would prefer something else, one in five (19%) said it should stay being called Personal Independence Payment. This was 13% of all responses.

Some respondents made suggestions for an alternative name and some of these are listed below:

  • Accessibility Assistance for Adults
  • Assistance for Working Age People
  • Disability Support for Working Age
  • Independent Support for Working Age People
  • Financial Assistance for Disabled Working Age People
  • Financial Support for Disabled Adults
  • Disability Support Payment
  • Living Assistance for Adults
  • Assistance for People with Disabilities
  • Additional Support Payment for Adults (APA)
  • Independent Living Assistance
  • Disability Assistance Payment
  • Disability Assistance (Adults)



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