Social Security Experience Panels: Employment Injury Assistance

This visual summary details findings from a questionnaire about panel members’ experiences of the Industrial Injuries Scheme.

About the research

Panel members who have received an Industrial Injuries Scheme benefit were invited to fill in a questionnaire about their experience. The questionnaire was open from December 2023 to January 2024.

16 responses were received.

More men than women responded. Most were aged between 60 and 79 years old.

Almost all respondents had a long-term health condition or disability.

Almost all were carers, meaning that they cared for an adult or child with a long-term health condition, or an adult who needs support due to old age.

14 respondents had experience of IIDB, and one had experience of Unemployability Supplement. One respondent was a carer for a family member who received IIDB.

Quotes taken from comments made by respondents are used in this summary. Edits to spelling and grammar have been made to improve readability.



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