
Social Security Experience Panels - re-determinations and appeals, fraud and special measures for COVID-19: main report

Provides an overview of findings from research exploring panel members’ views on proposed changes (enhanced administration powers) to aspects of Social Security Scotland’s systems and processes regarding re-determinations, appeals, fraud, and special measures for late re-determinations, appeals and applications.

Annex C: Number of participants by topic

Participants for the interviews and focus groups were able to choose which topics they were consulted on during the fieldwork. As a result, participant numbers varied by topic[9]. The table below shows a breakdown of the number of interview and focus group participants by each topic.

Table 24: Number of participants by topic
Topic Interviews* Focus group Total**
Re-determinations and appeals 16 8 24
Fraud 15 0 15
COVID 16 8 24

* Remote and in-person interviews.

**As interviews commonly covered more than one topic, the sum of totals by topic is higher than the total number of participants for the research overall.



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