Social Security Experience Panels - ethnic minorities: visual summary

This summary is on research with ethnic minority groups about their past experiences of social security and the barriers that exist to them in accessing support. It provides information about the steps Social Security Scotland is taking to help overcome these barriers

What’s Next?

This research is being used to make sure that Social Security Scotland is accessible and inclusive to ethnic minorities in Scotland. 

In line with the findings on increasing take-up of benefits, the Scottish Government is providing money to organisations to make sure that those who are entitled to benefits know about them. Local staff are also getting to know local organisations who can help them reach local communities. 

In line with suggestions in this research, Social Security Scotland offer a translation service over the phone. They also provide information and forms in a range of languages. 

Insights from the work are also being used to ensure that Social Security Scotland staff are able to treat all members of the public with dignity, fairness, and respect. This includes feeding findings into the design of inclusive training materials for staff.



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