
Social Security Experience Panels - keeping staff and clients safe: report

This report outlines the findings of a survey conducted with panel members, which looked to help design the processes for keeping Social Security Scotland staff and clients safe.

Over the phone

Respondents suggested that the call should end when a staff member was faced with unacceptable actions over the phone, but the staff member should always call back.

“If the person won’t calm down then tell them you have to terminate the call if they continue but that you will call back after a certain length of time (15 minutes) to see if they are ready to continue”.

“There should be a cooling off period allowed before the call is made again, perhaps 2 hours later”.

“The call would have to be ended, but an attempt to re-establish contact should be made and a message left stating what will happen next. For example, someone will try again later, or tomorrow when things have calmed down”.

Respondents reiterated that staff should talk to the client respectfully and patiently when on the phone.

“Acknowledge their problem. Ask if they would prefer to do another time/another way to give them time to calm down”.

“With kindness and patience. Have the time to find out what is wrong”.

“Stay calm, rather than reacting to behaviour. Explain certain behaviour is not acceptable, but give the client some time and space to calm down and evaluate, maybe offer call back to give client a second chance to sort things out”.



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