
Social Security Experience Panels - keeping staff and clients safe: report

This report outlines the findings of a survey conducted with panel members, which looked to help design the processes for keeping Social Security Scotland staff and clients safe.

Communication about the process

The most popular option for communicating to clients about a Social Security Scotland decision to put in place one of these measures was through post (88 per cent). This was followed by communicating through email (44%).

A chi-square test showed a significant association[6] between gender and how respondents would want to receive a decision. Half of the males, compared to about one thirds of females, would want to receive decision by emails.

Table 10. If a person had acted in an unacceptable way, Social Security Scotland might decide to put one of the measures mentioned above in place. How do you think Social Security Scotland should tell them about this decision? (n=290)

Communicate decision %
Through post 88
Through email 44
Over the phone 37
Other 21

Social Security Scotland will offer the right of review of any decision on unacceptable actions at any time. A review will include looking at what led to the original decision being taken and what contact has been made since, as well as any impact on the client. Respondents were asked what sort of information people should be told about a decision, before asking for a review. Nearly all of the respondents felt that clients should be given the full information as to why a measure was put in place.

“All of the information held in connection with the incident and decision should be made available to the client”.

“Why exactly was decision taken”.

“Reasons the decision was made and who made the decision”.

“The criteria for the decision and suggestions about what might help create positive change which might alter the decision”.

Respondents felt that Social Security Scotland should always be truthful about any decision they make.

“All related information should be available. Honesty and transparency is a must”.

Respondents also said that clients should also be provided with support.

“Support should be offered to the client”.

“The full facts of the situations, plus where to find counselling/support if they wish”.



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