Social Security Experience Panels - keeping staff and clients safe: report

This report outlines the findings of a survey conducted with panel members, which looked to help design the processes for keeping Social Security Scotland staff and clients safe.


1 Scottish Government (2017). Social Security Experience Panels: About Your Benefits and You – Quantitative Research Findings. [Online] Available at:

2 Scottish Government (2018). Social Security Experience Panels: Who is in the panels and their experiences so far. [Online] Available at:

3 17 per cent of the Scottish population lives in a rural area.
Scottish Government (2018). Rural Scotland Key Facts 2018. [Online] Available at:

4 Scottish Government (2018). Social Security Experience Panels: Who is in the panels and their experiences so far. [Online] Available at:

5 X²(9, n=191) = 18.85, exact p=0.027. This is not representative of all individuals who have benefits devolved to Social Security Scotland.

6 X²(3, n=191) = 8.9, exact p=0.031. This is not representative of all individuals who have benefits devolved to Social Security Scotland.



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