
Social Security Experience Panels: inclusive communication - visual summary

This visual summary outlines the results a survey and 9 focus groups with Experience Panel members, which asked about their views on various aspects of communication including applying for a benefit, getting help with an application and online information videos.

What's Next?

The Scottish Government will continue to work with the Experience Panels in the development of Scotland's new social security system.

These findings will be used to inform and develop a wide range of areas and services across Social Security Scotland, including the following next steps:

Different ways to communicate with us

We are designing our services so that as many people as possible can access our services where and how they want.

This means we are giving people different ways to contact us for information and to make claims. This includes online, by telephone and post. When our local delivery service is available, clients will be able to ask for a face to face meeting. The findings in this report will help us make sure we have the right communication methods in place at the right time for clients.

Application forms

We will continue to do user testing on application forms for each benefit that Social Security Scotland is responsible for so we make them as easy to understand as possible.

Use of information videos

We will undertake further research and user testing on the use of videos as another way of sharing information.



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