
Social Security Experience Panels: overpayments

This report outlines the Social Security Experience Panels views expressed in a survey about overpayments.

Modes of contact 

Participants were asked what modes of contact they would be happy with if they were to receive an overpayment by Social Security Scotland. We asked participants to choose all of the modes of contact that they would be happy with.

Almost three quarters (73 per cent) of participants were happy for Social Security Scotland to contact them via post to notify them of an overpayment. Around half of participants (49 per cent) would be happy to be contacted via email. Social media was the least popular mode of contact with just one percent of participants choosing this option.

Table 8: Participants contact preferences (n=141)

Mode of contact %
Post 73
Email 49
Telephone 33
In person 17
SMS/ text message 14
Through social media 1

The table below shows the number of participants who had selected one option only versus the number who had selected multiple options. Just over half (57 per cent) of participants selected more than one mode of contact they would be happy with Social Security Scotland using. No participants selected that they would like to be contacted through text or social media only.

Table 9: Participants contact prefrences flexibilities (n=141)

Selected more than one option  57
Post only  28
Email only  11
Telephone only 3
In person only  1
Text only  0
Social media only  0



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