Social Security Experience Panels - panel members: full report - 2020 update

This report provides demographic information about the Social Security Experience Panels. It also summarises feedback from panel members about their experiences of being a member of the panels and how this could be improved.

Sexual orientation and gender identity

New panel members

We asked new panel members about their sexual orientation and gender identity. 319 people responded in this question.[16]

85 per cent of respondents identified as ‘heterosexual or straight.’ 9 per cent identified as ‘gay, lesbian’ or ‘bisexual’ and 2 per cent identified in another way. One per cent did not answer the question. 4 per cent preferred not to say.

Table 7: New panel members - respondents by sexual orientation (n=319)
Number of respondents % respondents
Heterosexual/ straight 271 85%
Bisexual 15 5%
Gay/ lesbian 13 4%
Identify in another way .<10 2%
Prefer not to say 12 4%

97 per cent of respondents said that they do not identify as transgender. Less than 10 said that they do, and 2 per cent said that they would prefer not to say.

All panel members

Across a number of different ‘About You’ surveys we have asked Experience Panel members about about their sexual orientation and gender identity.[17] Responses from 930 panel members are available to be presented in Table 8.

85 per cent of respondents identified as heterosexual or straight. 9 per cent identified as lesbian, gay or bisexual and two per cent identified in another way. 4 per cent preferred not to say.

Table 8: All panel members - respondents by sexual orientation (n=930)
Number of respondents % respondents
Heterosexual/ straight 794 85%
Gay/ lesbian 42 5%
Bisexual 40 4%
Identify in another way 19 2%
Prefer not to say 36 4%

97 per cent of respondents said that they do not identify as transgender. 1 per cent said that they do, and 2 per cent said that they would prefer not to say.

Compared to available responses from the 2018 findings, panel membership by sexual orientation and gender identity has stayed proportionately similar.



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