
Social Security Experience Panels: who is in the panels - visual summary

Summary of demographic information about the make-up of the Experience Panels and their feedback on participating in the research so far.

About who responded

A wide range of people with benefits experience have participated including groups which are sometimes under represented.





Sexual orientation and gender identity

Sexual orientation and gender identity

Most (98%) respondents said that they do not identify as trans (or transgender). Less than 10 said that they do, and 2 per cent said that they would prefer not to say.

Ethnic group

Ethnic group

Religion or belief

Religion or belief

Respondents who had a disability or long term health condition

More than four in five said they are disabled or have a long-term health condition.

Of those who had a disability or long term health condition…

Of those who had a disability or long term health condition…

These conditions affected their…

These conditions affected their…

Caring responsibilities

Half of respondents have caring responsibilities and half don't.

  • 49% with
  • 49% without

Who they care for:

Who they care for:

Experience of benefits

Respondents include those who are currently, or have previously, applied, received, challenged or appealed a decision for one of the relevant benefits, including those who have helped someone else.

Many respondents have experience of multiple benefits.

Many respondents have experience of multiple benefits.


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