Social Security Experience Panels: who is in the panels

Demographic information about the make-up of the Experience Panels and their feedback on participating in the research so far.


The "About You" survey was carried out between May and July 2018. Responses were collected as paper submissions, online, or through a phone call. Accessible formats were available and respondents could provide additional information on request.

The 915 survey responses were analysed alongside with demographic information collected during the "About Your Benefits and You" survey from 2017, which had 1,144 unique eligible respondents. All personal identifiable information is held in a separate secure file.

Data has been cleaned and analysed by Scottish Government researchers. The data has not been weighted due to a lack of publicly available information about a comparable population. The information provided in this report must therefore be understood as being representative of these respondents only, and assumptions cannot be drawn on the wider applicability of these findings to panel members as a whole or for those with experience of the social security system in general.


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