
Social Security Experience Panels: who is in the panels

Demographic information about the make-up of the Experience Panels and their feedback on participating in the research so far.

About the respondents

Age and Gender

Questions on age and gender were asked in both the 2017 "About Your Benefits and You" survey, and the 2018 "About You" survey. The information presented in this section reflects the combined data available about panel member's age and gender across both surveys. 63 per cent of these respondents identified as "female" or as a "woman/ girl", 35 per cent as "male" or as a "man/boy". Fewer than 10 of these respondents identifed in another way so unfortunately information about this group cannot be published to avoid the possibility of individuals being identified.

One per cent of these respondents preferred not to say their gender, and one per cent did not complete this question. Due to the small number of people who responded this way, the breakdown of these groups by age have not been included in the table below.

Almost three quarters (74 per cent) of respondents were over the age of 45. A quarter (26 per cent) were over the age of 60. Table 1 provides an overview of respondents by age and gender.

Table 1: Complete respondents by age and gender (n=1272)

  Female % Female Male % Male
15 or under <10 0% 0 0%
16-24 10 1% <10 0%
25-44 201 16% 79 6%
45-59 384 30% 216 17%
60-79 188 15% 135 11%
80 or over <10 0% <10 0%
Total 795 63% 441 35%

Ethnic group

We asked panel members about their ethnicity during the 2018 "About You" survey. [1] 922 people responded to this question. As responses were low across a number of ethnic groups, these responses have been treated as "white ethnic groups", "minority ethnic groups" (non-white) and "prefer not to say".

Table 2: Respondents by ethnic group (n=922)

  Number of respondents % respondents
White ethnic groups 883 96%
Minority ethnic groups 22 2%
Prefer not to say 17 2%

Religion and belief

We asked panel members about their religion and beliefs during the 2018 "About You" survey. 924 people responded to this question. 51 per cent of respondents said that they had no religion. 18 per cent said that they were Church of Scotland, and 11 per cent said they were Roman Catholic.

Table 3: Respondents by religion or belief group (n=924)

  Number of respondents % respondents
None 469 51%
Church of Scotland 164 18%
Roman Catholic 105 11%
Other Christian 89 10%
Muslim <10 1%
Buddhist <10 1%
Jewish <10 1%
Pagan 24 3%
Another religion or belief group 27 3%
Prefer not to say 25 3%

Sexual orientation and gender identity

We asked panel members about their sexual orientation and gender identity during the 2018 "About You" survey.

86 per cent of respondents identified as heterosexual or straight. Nine per cent identified as lesbian, gay or bisexual and two per cent identified in another way.

Table 4: Respondents by sexual orientation (n=925)

  Number of respondents % respondents
Heterosexual/ straight 799 86%
Gay/ lesbian 46 5%
Bisexual 33 4%
Identify in another way 18 2%
Prefer not to say 29 3%

98 per cent of respondents said that they do not identify as trans. Less than 10 said that they do, and 2 per cent said that they would prefer not to say.

Disability and long term health conditions

Questions on disability and long term health conditions were asked in both the 2017 "About Your Benefits and You" survey, and the 2018 "About You" survey. The information presented in this section reflects the combined data available across both surveys.

83 per cent of respondents said that they had a disability or long term health condition.

More than half are physically disabled (53 per cent), suffer from chronic pain (52 per cent) or have another long term condition (56 per cent). Almost two in five (37 per cent) have a mental health condition. Table 5 provides details of respondents by disability or long term health condtion.

Table 5: Respondents by disability or long term health condition (n=1275 for all categories except mental health condition, mental health condition, n=1117)

  Number of respondents % respondents
A physical disability 672 53%
Chronic pain lasting at least 3 months 669 52%
Another long-term condition 715 56%
Mental health condition 430 38%
Deafness or severe hearing impairment 113 10%
Blindness or severe vision impairment 86 7%
A learning disability 101 8%

In the 2018 "About You" survey, we also asked respondents about how their disability or health condition affects them.

Table 6: Respondents by disability or long term health condition (n= 742)

  Number of respondents % respondents
Mobility (for example walking short distances or climbing stairs 570 77%
Stamina or breathing or fatigue 456 61%
Dexterity (for example lifting or carrying objects, using a keyboard) 345 46%
Memory 331 45%
Learning or understanding or concentrating 270 36%
Hearing (for example deafness or partial hearing) 107 14%
Socially or behaviourally (for example associated with Autism, attention deficit disorder or Asperger's syndrome) 100 13%
Vision (for example blindness or partial sight) 96 13%
Another way 59 8%
None of the above 26 4%

Caring responsibilities

Questions on caring responsibilities were asked in both the 2017 "About Your Benefits and You" survey, and the 2018 "About You" survey. The information presented in this section reflects the combined data available across both surveys.

49 per cent of respondents said that they have caring responsibilities and 49 per cent said they do not. The remaining respondents either stated that they prefered not to say, or did not respond to the question.

Of those who had caring responsibilities 24 per cent said that they cared for a child or children with a long-term physical condition, mental ill-health, or a disability. 77 per cent cared for an adult or adults with a long-term physical condition, mental ill-health, or a disability, and 35 per cent cared for an adult or adults who need support due to old age.

Experience of benefits

Questions on people's experiences of different benefits were asked in both the 2017 "About Your Benefits and You" survey, and the 2018 "About You" survey. Table 7 reflects the combined data available across both surveys.

Respondents include those who are currently, or have previously, applied, got, challenged or appealed a decision for one of the relevant benefits, including those who have helped someone else. It should be noted that many people on the panel have experience of more than one benefit, particularly with the transition for DLA to PIP.

Table 7: Respondents by benefit type (n=1275, IIDB, n=1,145)

Benefit Number of respondents % respondents
Disability Living Allowance 859 75%
Personal Independence Payments 849 74%
Carers Allowance 476 42%
Winter Fuel Payments 388 34%
Cold Weather Payments 379 33%
Discretionary Housing Payments 310 27%
Attendance Allowance 245 21%
Universal Credit 274 24%
Severe Disablement Allowance 222 19%
Scottish Welfare Fund 228 20%
Funeral Expenses Allowance 116 10%
Sure Start Maternity Grant 103 9%
Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit 73 6%


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