Social Security experience panels: paying benefits into different bank accounts - main report

Outlines the Social Security experience panel's views expressed in a survey on paying benefits into different bank accounts.


1. Scottish Government (2017). Social Security Experience Panels: About Your Benefits and You – Quantitative Research Findings. [Online] Available at:

2. Scottish Government (2018). Social Security Experience Panels: Who is in the panels and their experiences so far. [Online] Available at:

3. The percentage is of total respondents, not disabled respondents. Respondents were able to select multiple disability types.

4. 17 per cent of the Scottish population lives in a rural area. Scottish Government (2018). Rural Scotland Key Facts 2018. [Online] Available at:

5. Respondents had experience of applying for (themselves or someone else) or receiving these benefits within the last three years, but were not necessarily in receipt of the benefit at the time of the survey.

6. Scottish Government (2018). Social Security Experience Panels: Who is in the panels and their experiences so far. [Online] Available at:

7. N=40



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