
Social Security Experience Panels: Pension Age Winter Heating Payment

This report details findings from a survey exploring panel members’ opinions on Pension Age Winter Heating Payment.


1. As Social Security Scotland is now an established agency and the majority of benefits are live, the Experience Panels will close in April 2024.

2. The survey was distributed to 1,869 panel members by email and 178 panel members by post, based on their stated communication preference.

3. Due to an error, this response option was phrased as 'Don't know' for some questions in online versions of the survey (Tables 2.18—2.20), whereas paper versions used 'Neither agree nor disagree'.

4. In most cases this will be dealt with accordingly as a 'Change of Circumstances', but there may be a few occasions where a client requests a redetermination, rather than following the Change of Circumstances process.



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