Social Security Experience Panels - Scottish Carer's Assistance: main report

This report presents results from research with Social Security Experience Panel members to explore their views on proposals on how Scottish Carer’s Assistance (SCA) could be different from Carer’s Allowance.

Annex D: List of abbreviations

List of Commonly used abbreviations in this report

CA: Carer's Allowance

CAS: Carer's Allowance Supplement

CAPP: Carer's Additional Person Payment

CB: Child Benefit

CTC: Child Tax Credit

ESA: Employment and Support Allowance

DLA: Disability Living Allowance

DWP: Department for Work and Pensions

HB: Housing Benefit

JCP: Job Centre Plus

JSA: Job Seekers Allowance

NI: National Insurance

PC: Pension Credit

PIP: Personal Independence Payment

SCA: Scottish Carer's Assistance

SSS: Social Security Scotland

UC: Universal Credit



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