Social Security Experience Panels - Scottish Carer's Assistance: main report

This report presents results from research with Social Security Experience Panel members to explore their views on proposals on how Scottish Carer’s Assistance (SCA) could be different from Carer’s Allowance.

What's next?

The Scottish Government will continue to work with stakeholders and the Experience Panels in the design and development of Scotland's social security system.

The findings in this report and the response to the public consultation on Scottish Carer's Assistance will be used by teams working on designing and implementing the new Scottish Carer's Assistance benefit and the Carer's Additional Person Payment.

The Scottish Government will publish a response to the consultation and further information on plans for Scottish Carer's Assistance later this year. They plan to begin to roll out Scottish Carer's Assistance by the end of 2023, with full national introduction by spring 2024.

Wider work is also ongoing in the Scottish Government to consider the potential for a Minimum Income Guarantee in Scotland. This work includes carer representatives so that the perspectives of unpaid carers is considered. The findings of this report will also be shared with the team working on this policy area.



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