Social Security Experience Panels - Scottish Carer's Assistance: main report

This report presents results from research with Social Security Experience Panel members to explore their views on proposals on how Scottish Carer’s Assistance (SCA) could be different from Carer’s Allowance.

Annex A: About Survey Respondents

Where possible, information from the survey was matched to demographic information supplied previously by Experience Panel members. The following demographic tables are included to give context to the findings presented in this report.

Table 12: Gender of survey respondents (n= 203)
  Number of respondents % of respondents*
Female/woman/girl 134 66
Male/man/boy 66 33
Non-binary <10 1
Other response <10 1

* Figures may not add to 100% due to rounding

Table 13: Age of survey respondents (n=202)
  Number of respondents % of respondents*
25-44 28 14
45-59 95 47
60-79 78 39
Prefer not to say <10 1

* Figures may not add to 100% due to rounding

Table 14: Ethnicity of survey respondents (n=181)
  Number of respondents % of respondents
White 176 97
Ethnic minority <10 2
Prefer not to say <10 1
Table 15: Disability or long-term health condition (n=203)
  Number of respondents % of respondents
A disability or long term health condition 159 78
Another long-term condition 122 60
Chronic pain lasting at least three months 108 53
A physical disability 102 50
Mental health condition 69 34
Deafness or severe hearing impairment 19 10
A learning disability 14 7
Blindness or severe vision impairment <10 4
Table 16: Which of the following do you give regular help or support to? Please tick all that apply (n=203)
  Number of respondents % of respondents
An adult or adults with long-term physical/ mental ill-health/ a disability 154 76
A child or children with long-term physical/ mental ill-health/ a disability 53 26
An adult or adults who needs support due to old age 69 34
Table 17: Location of respondents (n=205)
  Number of respondents % of respondents
Urban 157 77
Rural 48 23
Table 18: Religion or belief of respondents (n=182)
  Number of respondents % of respondents
None 100 55
Church of Scotland 34 19
Roman Catholic 21 12
Other Christian 13 7
Other faith or belief <10 4
Prefer not to say <10 3
Table 19: Sexual orientation (n=181)
  Number of respondents % of respondents*
Heterosexual/straight 155 86
Prefer not to say 12 7
Gay/lesbian <10 4
Bisexual <10 2
In another way <10 1
Pansexual <10 1
Other response <10 1

* Figures may not add to 100% due to rounding

Table 20: Gender Identity (n=177)
  Number of respondents % of respondents*
Identify as cis-gendered (not transgender) 169 96
Prefer not to say <10 3
Identify as transgender <10 2

* Figures may not add to 100% due to rounding

Table 21: Household composition I: Including yourself, how many adults (aged 16 or over) are living in your household? (n=200)
  Number of respondents % of respondents*
Two adults 86 43
One adult 59 30
Three adults 37 19
Four adults 15 8
Five adults <10 2

* Figures may not add to 100% due to rounding

Table 22: Household composition II: Including yourself, how many children (aged under 16) are living in your household? (n=196)
  Number of respondents % of respondents
None 151 77
One child 30 15
Two children <10 4
Three children <10 2
More than five children <10 1
Four children <10 1



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