
Social Security Experience Panels - Scottish Carer's Assistance: visual summary

This visual summary outlines the main findings from research with Social Security Experience Panel members to explore their views on proposals on how Scottish Carer’s Assistance (SCA) could be different from Carer’s Allowance.

About the research

This summary sets out the findings of the research with Experience Panel members on the proposals on how Scottish Carer’s Assistance could be different from Carer’s Allowance.

The research included a survey and follow-up interviews.

242 survey responses

15 interviews with 16 participants

The research took place between March - June 2022

The research explored views on proposals on:

Scottish Carer’s Assistance when it is first introduced

Extra payments for carers in Scotland

Changes to Scottish Carer’s Assistance in the future.

Who took part

The majority of respondents (86%) were aged between 45-79 years old

Respondents identified as: 66% Female; 33% Male

Most (77%) lived in an urban location; Almost a quarter (23%) lived in a rural location

2% were from an ethnic minority; Most (78%) had a disability or long-term health condition

Around three quarters (76%) care for a disabled adult.

Over a third (34%) care for someone due to old age

Around one quarter (26%) care for a disabled child.



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