Social Security Experience Panels: Seldom Heard research programme: carers and care experienced people - visual summary

This visual summary outlines the main findings of the first wave of research with carers and care experienced people as part of the ‘Seldom Heard Voices’ research programme.

Views on improving the benefit system

Survey respondents and participants from all the care and care experienced sub-groups provided suggestions on how to improve the benefit system.

Many suggested that having a range of choices to get information, apply for benefits and to find guidance would improve access to benefits.

Many stressed the need for information on eligibility criteria and for application processes to be consistent, clear and easy to understand.

Some suggested that application forms should be shorter, and that they should be designed with more flexibility so that clients can convey their specific circumstances.

Many highlighted the need for staff of benefit agencies to be appropriately trained in order to have a comprehensive understanding of benefits, and the interactions across benefits.

They also wanted interactions with benefit staff to be based on a respectful, compassionate and empathetic approach.

Some suggested that health assessments should be carried out by medical professionals who have an appropriate understanding of long-term physical and mental health conditions.

A few argued the frequency of assessments for clients should be reconsidered, especially for those who have long-term conditions which are unlikely to change.

Some suggested shortening waiting times between application and payment. Providing more flexibility to pay back overpayments, loans and advance payments could help clients to avoid financial difficulties.

Third sector organisations contributed to positive experiences with the benefit system. They are perceived as a good source of clear and comprehensive information.

"…but if you are in the situation where you have to apply for things, you need some compassion."

"Compassionate people. People that aren't going to mock you."

[Single parents]



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