Social Security Experience Panels: Seldom Heard research programme: carers and care experienced people - visual summary

This visual summary outlines the main findings of the first wave of research with carers and care experienced people as part of the ‘Seldom Heard Voices’ research programme.

Next Steps

The Scottish Government and Social Security Scotland will carry out (or has already carried out) actions to address the barriers, and views of improvement, that carers and care experienced people had.

Insights on access to information and knowledge of the benefit system has fed into the provision of inclusive communication approaches. Social Security Scotland provides transparent and accessible information. There are two take-up strategies that set out all the activity being undertaken to ensure awareness about benefits improves.

The design of Social Security Scotland benefit application forms has been developed with people experiencing the benefits.

Social Security Scotland offers a range of ways to apply for, and access support to the benefits they deliver. These include: online, telephone, paper-based or in person.

Social Security Scotland's Charter ensures that dignity, fairness and respect are embedded in the new system and in clients' interactions with staff.

Views on health assessments are being addressed by Social Security Scotland which will consider the use of supporting information from the medical profession.

The Scottish Government is working with stakeholders to develop an Overpayments Policy which has a key principle that no individual will be pushed into financial hardship as a result of repayment.

Insights on the key role third sector organisations play in supporting clients will inform engagement with these organisations. This will address barriers to benefit take-up and provide organisations with accurate information on benefits for their clients.



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