
Social Security Experience Panels - Seldom Heard research programme: wave 2 report

This report details findings for the second wave of the “Seldom Heard Voices” research programme. It includes findings from research with Vulnerable Groups, End of Life, Carers and Care Experienced, and Survivors of Abuse strands


1. All the Seldom Heard groups that participated in this research programme can be found in Annex A.

2. Findings of the first and second wave of the Mobile Populations strand can be found on this report: Social Security Experience Panels – Seldom Heard Programme of Research: Mobile Populations.

3. Two interviews were conducted with two participants.

4. Interviews with participants who had experience of homelessness were conducted face to face in the premises of support organisations when the pandemic restrictions were lifted in August 2021. The following health protocols were applied: lateral flow test before and after the interview, social distancing, hand sanitizer and face masks.

5. Each contractor offered either £20, £15 or £10 gift voucher to each participant (four participants as part of the End of Life strand requested donations to nominated charities instead of receiving a gift voucher). Participants who were in custody did not receive any financial incentive.

6. The Five Family Payments are: Best Start Grant - Pregnancy and Baby Payment, Best Start Grant - Early Learning Payment, Best Start Grant - School Age Payment, Best Start Foods and Scottish Child Payment. It includes participants/respondents who received at least one of them.

7. Please find more findings about difficulties of finding information on the ‘key barriers with the benefit system’ chapter.

8. Bereaved people included people who lost a child, a parent, or a partner.

9. During the first wave of fieldwork with participants from the Carers and Care Experienced strand, several focus groups were carried out by Blake Stevenson - the company commissioned for the fieldwork.

10. A total of 8 interview participants from the Gypsy/Traveller community participated in wave 2 of the Mobile Population strand. They are excluded in the table as the findings have already been published.

11. Four interview participants were bereaved following a terminal illness of their loved ones.

12. Caring for an adult or adults with long-term health physical/mental ill-health/a disability, a child or children with long-term physical/mental ill-health/a disability or for an adult or adults who needs support due to old age.

13. The findings of the report of the End of Life strand of wave 1 focused on the main challenges and enablers of 11 participants who were living with terminal illnesses or were carers of people who have terminal illnesses. Only one participant was a bereaved person who lost her husband due to terminal illness. As a result, we are including findings of bereaved people in this section as it is a new specific sub-group interviewed as part of the End of Life strand for wave 2.

14. Some participants who had experiences of homelessness in wave 2 had also experiences of addiction and being in prison at some point.



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