Social Security Experience Panels: legacy report - visual summary

This visual summary presents the findings of the ‘Social Security Experience Panels: legacy report.

Impact from Experience Panels Research

The impact of research conducted by the Experience Panels was assessed across three areas: policy, Social Security Scotland, and social research within the Scottish Government.


The most common way policy teams used Experience Panels research was to develop a primary policy position and to provide advice directly to Scottish Ministers, principally to the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice.

It was also useful when policy teams were considering changes to an already developed position, or when findings from research challenged viewpoints from other sources such as stakeholder organisations or public consultations.

Several policy teams used existing Experience Panels publications as part of an evidence base to develop future work, or plan further research.

Social Security Scotland

Experience Panels research was a fundamental part of the work to develop Social Security Scotland.

Experience Panel members feedback instigated an important change in the language used throughout Social Security Scotland and in interactions with clients.

The change in language reflects that social security in Scotland is built on trust with clients and aims to treat clients with dignity, fairness and respect.

Experience Panels research was integral to the development of the brand and appearance of Social Security Scotland. This included brand guidelines, setting out elements such as the colours, font, and tone of voice to be used.

Panel members were also involved in building design and the development of the Local Delivery service, which supports clients to access support at home or other accessible locations.

Based on the Experience Panels model, the Client Panels were launched in 2020 in recognition of the need for engaging people with lived experience for ongoing development and improvement of the agency. Client Panels members are recruited from current clients of Social Security Scotland.

The Client Panels are a significant legacy of the Experience Panels and will ensure people with lived experience remain at the heart of the delivery of social security in Scotland.


The Experience Panels developed the knowledge and expertise of research team members. This expertise was specialised around planning and conducting panel research with participants who could be vulnerable or have specific accessibility needs.

In interviews with social researchers, many recalled speaking to Experience Panels team members and drawing on their expertise as they were preparing or carrying out other research, some of which also involved panels.

Other researchers said that they had drawn on materials and processes developed by the Experience Panels team to use as a template for their own work.

Impact beyond government

There has also been interest in the Experience Panels’ work beyond the Scottish Government from academia and other bodies, and other governments.

This demonstrates a broad recognition that including people with lived experience in social security research and service design is important, and that the Scottish Government has taken a leading role in developing this approach.



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