
Building a New Scotland: Social security in an independent Scotland

Sets out the Scottish Government’s proposals for social security in an independent Scotland.

What our proposals mean for Scotland

Independence would provide the opportunity to develop a new approach to social security, creating a fairer more equal Scotland, by reducing poverty and financial insecurity, while providing a safety net for every one of us. The proposals in this publication would allow Scotland to benefit from a social security system that:

  • can support and protect everyone who needs financial help and support at any point in their lives
  • works alongside wider labour market, health and social policies to create a stronger and more dynamic economy
  • supports people into paid work, introducing early reforms to Universal Credit and addressing the current unfairness of the system
  • provides an integrated system of social security support for carers and disabled people
  • can introduce a new system grounded in adequacy, such as a Minimum Income Guarantee, to ensure that everyone has a decent level of income and can live with dignity



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