
Social Security Scotland: insights research findings to March 2020

Social Security Scotland insights research findings for the period September 2018 to March 2020.

4. Methodology

Insights research to date has involved the collection of routine management information, and directly asking clients and staff about their experiences. The following section outlines the methods used to collect insights data during the current reporting period.

4.1. Client Insights

To capture client interactions and experiences with Social Security Scotland processes and services at point of contact, research methods have been included in both telephony and online channels using embedded surveys.

4.1.1. Telephony – call data and general call experience

Management information is taken from the organisation's telephony reporting system.

An automated survey mechanism is in place to gain insights from clients about how well telephony services are being received. Clients have the option of completing the survey following any telephone interaction (e.g. from general enquiry to benefit-specific contact). The focus for this survey is experience of the call.

Full telephony experience questions and response options are detailed in Annex A.

4.1.2. Applications

Clients' immediate views and feelings on the process of applying for benefits, across telephone, online and paper applications have also been gathered.

For the current reporting period, this has taken the form of two client satisfaction questions embedded within a questionnaire, which clients complete at the end of applications. For clients applying via paper application, the questionnaire is included in their application pack, with a freepost envelope for returning both forms. For clients applying online, the questionnaire is available prior to submitting the application. For clients applying over the telephone, a client advisor takes the client through the questionnaire over the phone.

Full application experience questions and response options are detailed in Annex B.

During December 2019, work has been undertaken to integrate these client satisfaction questions into the application process, so that they are completed prior to submission. This publication covers the period up to end March 2020 and covers three and a half months of experience ratings/comments collected as part of the new integrated application process. This publication shows improved response rates to client satisfaction questions.

4.2. Staff Insights

Workforce statistics for Social Security Scotland are now being published as official statistics. The latest workforce statistics for Social Security Scotland publication for the period up to end March 2020 has been released 16th of June 2020 and can be found here.



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