
Social Security Scotland – insights research programme: overview

An introduction to Social Security Scotland's client and staff insights research programme, with initial findings for the period September to December 2018.

6. Summary

The current programme of client and staff insights research has allowed Social Security Scotland to build an early picture of the views and experiences of those engaging with the organisation. The overall picture for both clients and staff is very positive for the first quarter. 

Client insights research has revealed that the vast majority of clients who have left a rating or comment in relation to a telephone or application-based interaction with the organisation have been positive about the experience. 

Client experiences at point of contact will continue to be monitored as the organisation develops, and trend information will be used to identify any fluctuations in service experience. This information will be complimented by a wider programme of research to investigate clients’ overall experiences, which is currently being shaped by individuals with lived experience of the benefits system.  

A staff survey conducted in October 2018 revealed strong staff engagement with the organisation. Staff were also positive about their work, organisational objectives and purpose, their teams, learning and development, inclusion and fair treatment, resources and workload, pay and benefits, and leadership and managing change.

Early indications from staff survey data also suggest that Social Security Scotland staff are representative of the Scottish working population. Work will be undertaken to improve diversity declaration rates on the employment record system, so that these figures can be monitored over time as the organisation grows.



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