
Social tenants in Scotland 2016

Overview of social tenants and social rented housing in Scotland for 2016, covering information on stock, households, housing flows, rents and income.

Social Tenants in Scotland, 2016

This is the second annual statistical compendium publication on Social Tenants in Scotland. It presents an overview of social tenants and social rented housing in Scotland for the year 2016, covering information on stock, households, housing flows, and rents and income levels. It includes trend data for earlier years and comparisons to other housing tenures and to other UK countries.

It is based on analysis of a range of existing Official Statistics data sources such as the Scottish Household Survey, the Family Resources Survey, and Scottish Government Housing Statistics, along with figures, not Official Statistics, from the Scottish Housing Regulator Social Housing Charter Indicator Data.

The publication is in a similar format and style to the previous Social Tenants in Scotland 2015 publication [1] , with some additional new information presented on sexual orientation and religion of adults in social rented households. It also includes some new tables and analysis on household characteristics by local authority area, where the underlying data allows this type of area analysis to be produced.


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