Social tenants in Scotland 2016

Overview of social tenants and social rented housing in Scotland for 2016, covering information on stock, households, housing flows, rents and income.



2. Some stock transfer local authorities who had previously transferred all of their stock to a housing association retained a very small number of residential properties that were previously tied to council facilities (e.g. school janitor houses or houses at entrances to public parks). For the purposes of this publication, all stock transfer local authorities are reported as having zero stock.







9. The 'Workless, other inactive' group consists of families in which all adults are economically inactive (i.e. where no adult is in work or unemployed). This includes working-age adults in receipt of sickness and disability benefits, who may have living standards lower than those implied by the results presented because of additional costs associated with their disability (for which no adjustment has been made here).

10. In this section, ‘Europe Old EU’ refers to the countries that joined the EU up to 1995, i.e. Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Denmark, Ireland, United Kingdom, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Finland, Sweden. ‘Europe New EU (2004 to 2013)’ refers to the countries that joined the EU between 2004 and 2013, i.e. Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia.

11. SSCQ 2015 is published here:

12. “Sexual Orientation in Scotland 2017 – A summary of the Evidence base”:

13. “Sexual Orientation in Scotland 2017 – A summary of the Evidence base”, Section 3. Demographics:


15. A Large family household consists of either (a) two adults and three or more children or (b) three or more adults and one or more children.

16. Information and datasets on the Scottish Social Housing Charter are available from:

17. Information and datasets on the Scottish Social Housing Charter are available from:


19. Statistics on private rents are sourced from the Market Evidence Database, which is largely based on advertised rent levels for new tenancies, not rents for existing tenants. More information in Annex A.

20. For consistency with other analysis based on the Family Resources Survey, income values for the analysis of banded incomes (charts 5.8 and 5.9 and Table 5.3) have been adjusted for inflation over the three-year period from 2013/14 to 2015/16. This adjustment was not carried out for the Scottish Household Survey banded income analysis.

21. Unequivalised income does not take account of the number of people living in the household. Equivalised income values are adjusted depending on the number of people in the house to reflect the notion that larger households need more money. Results published here may differ from other sources which use equivalised net income to calculate income quintiles or deciles.

22. The ratios calculated for this report used net household income before housing costs have been deducted. Ratios of housing costs to income will vary depending on the choice of income variable and this should be kept in mind when interpreting the results. More information about the performance indicators is available here:


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