
Sound of Gigha Special Protection Area: business and regulatory impact assessment

An assessment of the business and regulatory impacts of classifying the Sound of Gigha SPA.


An errata was published on (date tbc) as a result of changes on PDF pages 2, 4, 5, 6, and 22 whereby bullet points were removed before the headings “Background”, “Objective”, “Rationale for Government intervention”, and “Competition”.

Changes were also made on pages 10, 12, 13, 15, 17 and 18 within the section titled “Options”.  The changes made were amending the acronym “GIG” to instead read “SOG”.

Changes were also made on page 10 within the table titled “Economic Costs on the Activity of Classification of the Site as an SPA”. The changes made were amending the wording in the second paragraph from “..within an existing classified site (SAC, SPA and NC SPA)” to “within an existing site (SAC, SPA or MPA).

Finally changes were made to the hyperlinks on the footer of pages 6 and 10, as the previous websites have been archived. Reference 3 within the footer of page 6 was changed from to . Reference 8 within the footer of page 15 was changed from to The HTML and PDF have been updated to reflect these changes.



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