
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (Incorporation) (Scotland) Act 2024: sources to guide interpretation

Guidance to help public authorities understand the many sources of interpretation that may provide guidance when considering their duty to act compatibly with the UNCRC requirements as defined by the UNCRC Act. To be read alongside Part 2 guidance:

5. Concluding Observations in response to periodic state reports

Under the simplified procedure, the CRC requires State Parties to the UNCRC to report approximately every eight years on the steps they have taken to give effect to the UNCRC, focusing on areas specified by the CRC (see section 2 on the Committee on the Rights of the Child). The CRC reviews these reports and may, usually after a period of engagement and clarification with the State Party, produce a set of country-specific suggestions and recommendations known as ‘Concluding Observations’, highlighting positive practice and recommending areas for improvement. Scottish Government was last examined by the CRC in May 2023 as part of UK State Party reporting. The CRC issued concluding observations on the UK State Party report in June 2023 and the Scottish Government published an initial response to the concluding observations on 25 March 2024.



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