
South of Scotland Enterprise Agency: consultation report

Analysis report on the consultation process for creating the South of Scotland Enterprise Agency. The report analyses both online responses and opinions expressed at the 26 engagement events held across Dumfries and Galloway and the Scottish Borders.

Appendix 2: List of questions

The following were the questions asked during the online consultation:

1. Do you agree with our ambition outlined above?

2. What would you like to see for the South of Scotland?

3. What are your ambitions for the future economic success of the South of Scotland?

4. What are the strengths you would like to see the Agency build on?

5. What are the economic challenges you would like to see the Agency address?

6. What currently works well in the South of Scotland

7. What would you add or take away from the potential activities that the Agency could carry out across the three areas:

  • Drive forward the economy
  • Sustain communities
  • Capitalise on people and resources

8. What would you prioritise as the key areas of activity for the Agency?

9. What specific things could the Agency do to help you, your business, your sector or your community?

10. What could the Agency do outwith its boundaries working with other local authorities or with agencies like Highlands and Islands Enterprise to support specific projects which benefit the South of Scotland and with national agencies?

11. Which option, either from the list above or your own suggestion, do you think offers the best way to ensure the Agency is accessible to all?

12. Which criteria should be used in reaching a decision about the location of the Agency?

13. If you were to use the services of this Agency, what factors are important to you in terms of reaching it? (This might relate to the location itself, to transportation links, or to proximity to other services, or digital delivery, for example.)

14. What sort of people should be on the Board of the Agency and what sorts of skills and expertise should they have?

15. We know that young people are less likely to stay in or move to the South of Scotland than they are other parts of the country. Do you have any comments on things the Agency could do to meet the interests of children and young people?

16. In delivering opportunity and growth in the South of Scotland, how can the Agency:

  • promote equality for people who share one or more protected characteristic as defined by the Equality Act 2010
  • combat discrimination
  • foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not?

17. Do you have any other comments on how the Agency might address specific needs?

18. We want to make sure that the Agency works effectively with a wide range of key stakeholders/partner agencies to ensure that inclusive growth also enables positive social and environmental outcomes. Do you have any comments on how this should work in practice?

19. Do you have any other thoughts on powers that the Agency will need?

20. Is there anything else you wish to say about the operation of the Agency?


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