Spaceport notifications - Chief Planner letter June 2020

Letter issued by the Chief Planner on 10 June 2020 regarding spaceport planning applications.

The Town and Country Planning (Notification of Applications) (Spaceport Related Developments) (Scotland) Direction 2020

I am writing to you to draw your attention to the attached direction which will come into force on 11 June 2020. This direction requires planning authorities in Scotland to advise Scottish Ministers of receipt of any new planning application for a spaceport related development that comes into the planning system.

This direction will enable a national overview of spaceport related developments in the planning system to be created.

The scope of this direction includes new spaceport related planning applications validated from 11 June 2020. It does not include cases already under consideration.
For the avoidance of doubt, this direction only requires notification at validation stage of the following details to be submitted to Ministers (as relevant):

  • The planning application reference;
  • The address or location of the development; and
  • The description of the development.

If you have any queries about this letter - please do not hesitate to contact our planning decisions team at

Scottish Ministers give the following Direction in exercise of the powers conferred by regulations 31 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2013 and all other powers enabling them to do so:

1. Information to be given to Scottish Ministers

When a planning authority receives an application for spaceport related development, it must give Scottish Ministers the following information-

  • The planning application reference;
  • The address or location of the development; and
  • A description of the development.

2. The Scottish Government would expect that the information sent to Scottish Ministers, is provided electronically by means of a link, or series of links to the relevant case file on the authority’s website.

Reason for the Direction

3. This Direction is given to assist in providing a national overview of spaceport development in the planning system.

Submission of information

4. Submission of information should be made by e-mail to the following address:

Scottish Government
Planning Decisions
11 June 2020

Spaceport notifications - Chief Planner letter June 2020



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