
SPARRA Made Easy

Long Term Conditions Collaborative guidance note to provide health and coscial care practitioners with an understanding of SPARRA data and its role in the delivery of Proactive, Planned and Co-ordinated care for people with complex or frequently changing care needs.

Appendix 1

Navigation within SPARRA Excel spreadsheet: Help Sheet

Viewing SPARRA spreadsheet 'Freezing' columns As the Excel sheet is too long to be viewed in its entirety on the screen, the columns can be 'frozen'. This can be done really easily to 'freeze' the patient details columns and still be able to see these whilst scrolling along the other columns.

Open the template. Click on Column A and drag across to column G (this will highlight the sections GP Code, Current Risk Score, Previous Risk score, CHI, Forename, Surname and DOB).

Click on 'Window' in the top tool bar: Select ' Freeze panes'. The columns can now be scrolled across whilst still keeping the patient details visible on the screen.

Computer Window

To 'unfreeze' panes, go back to 'Window' tab and uncheck the box.

'Hiding' columns

You can also 'Hide' columns in the spreadsheet if you don't need them - this makes it easier to print on one or two pages -

Click on the shaded box at the top of the column, e.g. Column G (Date of Birth) then right click to get a drop down menu.

Click on ' Hide'.

To hide multiple columns, click on the shaded box at the top of the column, hold down left mouse button and drag over the columns, then release mouse button and then right click to get the 'Hide' command.

Computer Window

Columns can be 'unhidden' - Highlight the whole document. This can be done by left-clicking on the box in the top left corner, above '1' and to the left of 'A'-

Then right click within document, and then 'Unhide'

Printing the document

To change print size and adjust document layout:

Before printing, access ' Page Set-up' via ' File' button on top toolbar

Computer Window

Adjust to: (Percentage size required)

Use arrows to select percentage of normal size text. Use Print Preview button to see how it will look when printed.

When happy with print preview, hit OK button

Then select Print

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