
Special advisers' gifts and hospitality: July to September 2016

Information about gifts and hospitality received by special advisers.

Person Name Name of organisation of donor What is the estimated value? Date Received Description Circumstances in which the gift/hospitality was offered
Miller, Mr David SEPA Over £30 17/08/2016 Executive Sustainability Leadership Programme. Invitation
Lloyd, Ms Liz News Corp UK £15 - £30 07/07/2016 Lunch Invitation
Nicolson, Mr Stuart News Corp UK £15 - £30 07/07/2016 Lunch Invitation
Lloyd, Ms Liz US Embassy to the UK Over £30 9-23/07/2016 Scottish Opinion Leaders Exchange visit to the U.S. Invitation
Nicolson, Mr Stuart Royal Bank of Scotland Over £30 12/07/2016 Wimbledon Tennis Championship Invitation
Miller, Mr David Scottish Gas £15 - £30 22/07/2016 Lunch Invitation
Miller, Mr David SSE £15 - £30 29/07/2016 Lunch Invitation
Miller, Mr David EDF Energy £15 - £30 12/08/2016 Lunch Invitation
Lloyd, Ms Liz Edinburgh International Festival £15 - £30 19/08/2016 Scottish Ballet Performance at EIF Invitation
Bowman, Miss Katy Edinburgh International Festival £15 - £30 19/08/2016 Scottish Ballet Performance at EIF Invitation
Miller, Mr David EDF Energy Over £30 01/09/2016 CBI Scotland Annual Dinner Invitation
Lloyd, Ms Liz Scottish Daily Mail £15 - £30 23/09/2016 Journalists' Charity Lunch Invitation
Nicolson, Mr Stuart Charlotte Street Partners £15 - £30 23/09/2016 Journalists' Charity Lunch Invitation
Ingebrigtsen, Mr Ross 3XI £15 - £30 23/09/2016 Journalists' Charity Lunch Invitation
Lloyd, Ms Liz Royal Bank of Scotland / Global Counsel Over £30 28/09/2016 Dinner Invitation



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