Specialist Gender Services for Children and Young People – Progress Report

A report prepared in response to Scottish Parliament motion S6M-13090, summarising progress to date on work to improve NHS young people’s gender identity services and reduce waiting times to access this healthcare.

2021 Framework - Health Board Funding Allocation

28. Since December 2022, the Scottish Government has invested over £4.4 million to support gender identity service improvement, with over £3.6 million of that allocated directly to Health Boards providing gender identity clinics, primarily to support them improve delivery of services via recruitment and work to reduce waiting times.

29. Since 2022 £1,296,500 has been allocated to NHSGGC to support them to improve both their adult and young people's service following proposals submitted by the Board to Scottish Government in summer 2022. Of that, the Board estimates £286,780 has been used to fund improvements specific to the young people's service.

30. However, it is difficult to fully apportion the ratio of funds spent to improve services in adult and young people's services in NHSGGC. This is because some staff and roles are shared between the Adult and Young people's services, for instance administrative and project management.

31. The Young People's Gender Service continues to be staffed directly by a multidisciplinary clinical team (as highlighted below). In addition, input from other specialities including occupational therapy, paediatric endocrinology and local CAMHS is sought as necessary to meet patient need.

Substantive Staff

Whole Time Equivalent (WTE) in post

Consultant Psychiatrist


Consultant Psychologist


Principal Psychologist


Child Psychiatrist


Occupational Therapist





Email: genderidentityhealth@gov.scot

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