
Devolved social security benefits: stakeholder engagement toolkit

This toolkit contains an overview of the delivery of devolved benefits, delivery timetable, factsheets and information on spreading the word about devolved benefits.

An updated version of this toolkit was published in December 2019.


This stakeholder toolkit is designed for all public, third sector and charitable organisations who are involved in the delivery of, or providing advice on, the new social security benefits which are being devolved to the Scottish Government under the Scotland Act 2016. These include a range of powers over disability and carers, as well as powers to make administrative changes to Universal Credit and vary the housing costs element.

The toolkit has been produced by the Scottish Government and provides resources and information to help you to communicate with your staff and clients about the significant changes happening in the field of social security in Scotland.

You can use the information and facts in this toolkit on your organisation's intranet to inform your employees about the changes. You could also use it on your external website, newsletters and social media to let your clients and local partners know about the new social security benefits being introduced and how they might affect them.


See updated version of this toolkit.


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