
Feminist approach to foreign policy - stakeholder engagement workshops: evidence report

Independent report summarising the views of international and domestic stakeholders on what a feminist approach to foreign policy may mean for Scottish Government international engagement.

Annex A – Workshop Participants

Participants from the following organisations participated in the workshops. Where an organisation is mentioned more than once it is because more than one representative attended from more than one country. In addition to the organisations mentioned below, a small number of individual experts participated, as did representatives from UNWomen and UNDP based in regional or global offices.

Malawi: UNWomen, ActionAid, Wateraid, Trocaire Malawi, Caritas Malawi, Gender and Justice organisation, Civil Society Network for Climate Change

Rwanda: Institute of Policy Analysis and Research, Rwanda Women’s Network, WaterAid, the Green Protector

Zambia: Sistah Sistah, Zambia Peace Conflict Resolution and Development

Kenya: ActionAid, Thousand Currents, Groots, World Resources Institute, African Eco-Feminists

Mexico: Equidad, The Women's Working Group on Financing for Development, Christian Aid

Sweden: Lund University

Canada: University of Ottawa, Carleton University, Oxfam Canada

Pakistan: Network of Women Peacebuilders, Women’s International League of Peace and Freedom

Ethiopia: Christian Aid


Cameroun: International Indigenous Women’s Network

Bangladesh: ActionAid

Uganda: East Africa Farmers Federation

Jamaica: Gender and Trade Coalition,

UK (not based in Scotland): GAPS, Global Justice Now; Oxfam; University of East Anglia, Institute of Development Studies, ODI, FFP collective, University of Manchester

Scotland: Beyond Borders, CND, WILPF, Oxfam, Scottish Fair Trade Forum, Freedom Scotland, CAAT - Campaign for Action Against the Arms Trade, Amina- Muslim Women’s Resource Centre, Friends of the Earth, Stop Climate Chaos Scotland, SCIAF, Common Wealth, Wellbeing Economy Alliance, UNCTAD, Scottish Development International, Edinburgh University, Glasgow Caledonian University, Scottish Refugee Council, Scottish Women’s Aid, Scottish Women’s Budget Group, Corra Foundation, Yemeni Scottish Foundation



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