
The Standards Council for Community Learning and Development in Scotland

An information leaflet showing the main functions of the Standards Council for Community Learning and Development and how these are being explored by the interim council.

The Standards Council for Community Learning and Development in Scotland

The new Standards Council for those working in community learning and development ( CLD) is being established to improve training and skills for those active in CLD practice. This will contribute to raising standards and quality across the wide range of practitioner activity.

The new Standards Council for those working in community learning and development ( CLD)
is being established to improve training and skills for those active in CLD practice. This will contribute to raising standards and quality across the wide range of practitioner activity.

The development of a national body for CLD was a commitment made in the Scottish Executive's report, Empowered to Practice (February 2003). This considered the future of CLD training in Scotland. You can find links to this and other relevant reports at

In June 2004 a Short Life Task Group was convened to advise Ministers about establishing a practitioner-led body with responsibility for endorsement and accreditation of training, consideration of a model for registration for CLD and development of a model of supported induction and continuing professional development ( CPD).

In approving the establishment of the Standards Council it was agreed that an interim structure would be put in place until March 2008, with the remit of presenting a sustainable model to Scottish Ministers.

This interim Standards Council would be based around the existing CeVe (originally, Community Education Validation and Endorsement) committee.

Three main functions have been identified:

1. To deliver an approvals structure for professional qualifications, courses and training and development opportunities for everyone involved in CLD.
2. To consider and establish a registration system available to practitioners delivering and active in CLD practice.
3. To develop and establish a model of supported induction, CPD and training opportunities.

Consideration of these functions will inform the longer-term operations of an established Standards Council.


Approvals and CeVe

What is CeVe?

Currently, the CeVe committee (active since 1991) provides recognition of courses at all levels in the CLD field. Through established custom and practice CeVe recognised qualifications are expected and called for by Scottish employers when recruiting CLD staff. CeVe recognition is in place for all national providers' professional qualifications.

Will the approvals function in the Standards Council replace the CeVe role?

The approvals function of the Standards Council will, in the first instance, assume the role and responsibilities of CeVe. In the short term this will dovetail with CeVe activity and the CeVe committee will remain in place until the Standards Council is established.

The interim Council will consider the best practice used in the existing committee framework and approval panel structures to inform both CPD and registration functions.

A new structure will consider:

  • The new approvals process.
  • On whom an established recognition function will impact.
  • The recruitment of volunteers, part-time and full-time staff.
  • Developing recognition of courses in related core areas, including youth work, adult learning, literacies and community development.
  • The impacts of SCQF and a learning framework.
  • How the committee and approvals function will link with the other responsibilities of the Council.

There will be a range of additional issues to consider in due course.


The Council will consider, develop and introduce an effective and inclusive model of practitioner registration.

Who will be registered?
The interim council is giving consideration to this. The CLD field has practitioners delivering in a wide range of settings, embracing voluntary and paid roles and responsibilities. A core value is that any system is inclusive and beneficial.

What are the criteria for registration?
This is under consideration and will involve consultation with practitioners at all levels.

Will there be different categories of registration?
This is likely. The interim council will consider what would be the most appropriate registration criteria to support those active in the field of CLD.

Why would I want to be part of this?
Registration offers a number of benefits to the individual, sector and employers. It is expected that whatever model of registration is in place, practitioners should at least benefit from:

  • Being part of a clearly defined community of practice.
  • An established CPD programme.
  • The opportunity to raise standards in practice and in management, raise the standard of professional debate and establish clear expectations of employees and employers.
  • Increased recognition of the skill set that a CLD practitioner delivers.

Continuing Professional Development

The Council will look to develop an inclusive framework for CPD which will allow the full range of CLD practitioners to develop skills, experience and qualifications to deliver effective programmes and develop career opportunities.

What might this framework consider?

Potentially this could include:

  • Acknowledgement and recognition of all training and work experience.
  • Promotion of best practice models for employers and practitioners in giving guidance in delivery of CPD programmes.
  • Consideration of what might be a reasonable expectation of practitioners to undertake ongoing training and development opportunities. This may include discussion about a minimum entitlement quota.
  • Consideration of specific skill sets. This will link to national occupational standards, links with SCQF and career progression routes.

Contact us

The support team is led by Rory Macleod and can be contacted at:

Thistle House
91 Haymarket Terrace
Edinburgh EH12 5HE

Tel: 0131 479 5074

If you would like to express your views on what you think the new Council should be like and how it should operate, please access our survey via the website

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